This program uses high resolution, 16-bit graphics. Your ‘Monitors’ control panel should be set to ‘Thousands’ of colors in order to best view these graphics. The program cannot play without at least 8-bit, or ‘256 colors’ selected . This program uses high resolution, 16-bit graphics. Your ‘Monitors’ control panel should be set to ‘Thousands’ of colors in order to best view these graphics. The program can continue, but the checkers will not look good. There is not enough memory to allocate a hash table for transposition evaluations. This is a critical requirement. The program must exit now. You can have between 1 and 12 men on each side. Check your board setup. Unknown error, # Bad parameter error. Attempted to work with nil handle. An Apple event was received but not handled. Unable to print some files. Unable to open some files. There is no file to revert to. No printer driver available. Use the Chooser to select a printer, and then choose Page Setup. There has been a printing error. Unknown I/O error. The file was not found. The file is locked. The disk/volume is locked. The disk/volume is full. A required userItem was missing from the dialog. The default button can't be highlighted . A required resource was not found. The current operation could not be completed. Drag and Drop shared library unavailable... Drag and Drop not available... Apple events not available... World Championship Checkers requires System 7 or better. I am sorry, the program must quit. Critically low on memory, releasing emergency reserve... There is not enough memory to perform the requested operation. A fatal error has transpired. I am sorry, the program must quit.